Hi and thank you for listening to episode 23 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast. For this episode we had a fun chat with John Saunders from NYC CNC on youtube and @saundersmachineworks on Instagram. We chatted about Fusion 360 and CNC machining along with much more! If you've been wanting to branch out from just welding this podcast is for you. John's story is very inspirational and eye opening, so download, pop those earbuds in, hit play, drop that hood, and enjoy!
We also would like to take a moment and thank those who support the show on Patreon. Each Patron helps keep the show going and allows us to publish each and every week. If you would like to support the show, in any dollar amount, head over to www.patreon.com/weldingtipsandtrickspodcast. Everyone there is greatly appreciated. This months top supporters of the show are Philip Kaminski and ."
Joseph "SudaFed" Suder Memorial
Below you will find a link to where you can donate to help the family of Joseph Suder whom lost his life in a tragic accident. We would be very grateful for any amount that you could donate. All donations are going to the Suder family to help with the unexpected costs of their loved one. Thank you.
Show Times and Notes
- 0:00-1:20 Introduction
- 1:21-2:03 Do you know Jimmy DiResta?
- 2:04-6:18 A little about John
- 6:19-8:00 Learning Fusion 360
- 8:01-10:23 Keeping up with the times
- 10:24-13:17 Chip Break
- 13:18-15:12 10 minute cleaning
- 15:13-19:30 Organizing the shop
- 19:31-24:14 Film crew?
- 24:15-25:26 GoPro use
- 25:27-27:39 Machining content on YouYube
- 27:40-32:08 Influence from channels
- 32:09-34:02 NYC CNC beginnings
- 34:03-35:33 Fusion 360 learning
- 35:34-40:51 Machining discipline in fabrication
- 40:52-42:12 CNC capabilities as small business
- 42:13-47:22 Cloud based CNC
- 47:23-51:23 Outsource or in-house?
- 51:24-56:06 Can you do it and make money?
- 56:07-1:00:58 There is more
- 1:00:59-1:04:44 Are you a good fit?
- 1:04:45-1:07:06 HAAS VM3
- 1:07:07-1:10:00 Working while sick
- 1:10:01-1:16:16 Affordable CNC machines
- 1:16:17-1:18:12 CNC training
- 1:18:13-1:21:40 John's advice
- 1:21:41-1:24:29 Get good as something
- 1:24:30-1:31:15 Be honest
- 1:31:16-1:34:14 Don't have to do high end
- 1:34:35-1:36:37 John's advice for others
- 1:36:38-1:39:18 Just get in the game
- 1:39:19-1:41:49 John's closing thoughts
- 1:41:40-1:42:53 Closing
Where can you find John?
Where can you find Us?
You can email Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast directly at WeldingTipsandTricksPodcast@gmail.com.
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How to reach us individually
Welding Tips and Tricks on Youtube
@Weldmonger on Instagram
@Superiorwelding on Instagram
Superiorwelding on Youtube
@CrummyWelding on Instagram
Interested in weld purging equipment as discussed in this show? Head over to superiorweldandfabsupply.com to check out our complete selection of weld purging tools to help you make those perfect welds.
Where can you find a Tig Finger?
You can find Tig fingers and other great welding supplies, like stubby gas lens kits, here at this link http://weldmongerstore.com/. All of which are great tools to have in your job toolbox and also your home shop box.
This Podcast has been brought to you by Weldors for Weldors so that you can listen to Weldors talk about Welding while you're Welding!
Podcast music can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3UyYZ85Tiw Doctor Vox -Endgames Royalty Free Download