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Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast

Feb 22, 2021

Thank you for listening to episode 232 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast!  For this week's topic we talk about welding Pot Metal.  What is pot metal?  How to identify it?  Can you weld it?  These are a few items we talked about during this conversation.  We hope that this chat will help you next time someone brings...

Feb 15, 2021

Thank you for listening to episode 231 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast!  Last week's ep we talked about defects in welds and at the end we brought up Cracks.  We thought this would be a good topic to have it's own episode.  To add into the chat we asked Tim Luskin to join in.  Tim, also known as @TimWelds, has...

Feb 8, 2021

Thank you for listening to episode 230 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast!  For this week's episode we're talking about common defects and discontinuities seen in welds.  This chat was sparked from a post Roy put up on Instagram of a Lack of Fusion in one of his test pieces.  There are many reasons why you might get...

Feb 1, 2021

Thank you for listening to episode 229 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast!  For this week's episode we talk about @overkillracingandchassis aka Joel Bushmann's 4130 cluster joint kits.  We think this is a great learning tool and wanted to touch on some of the common topics discussed while welding 4130.  If you have...