Thank you for listening to episode 134 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast! With all the new Tools, Gadgets, and Gizmos out on the market we thought it would be fun to talk about the ones we like to use and some that would like to get. We hope that this episode sparks an interest in you to grow your tool collection as it does ours! Enjoy!
Thank you for listening to episode 133 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast! For this episode we chat with Chris Bliven aka Milkycereal83 on Instagram and YouTube. Chris is a salesman for Fronius USA but is also a weldor. We wanted to hear how Chris got into welding and what lead him to work with Fronius. We had a fun time chatting with Chris and hope you enjoy it too!
Thank you for listening to episode 132 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast! For this week's topic we open the conversation of what is a PQR and WPS? What are they for and who are they for? As always this is a very deep subject and we only really scratch the surface, but we hope that our conversation sparks an interest in you to research this further. Enjoy!
Thank you for listening to episode 131 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast! For this episode we wanted to talk about the not so great parts of running your own business. Not to be a downer but to let you know that it can be a real struggle at times. If you're thinking of stepping out on your own these are real things that you'll deal with and if you're already on your own you're not alone. We hope that this chat opens you're eyes a little more to the other side of the table! Enjoy!