Hi and Thank you for listening to episode 15 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast. If you're familiar with the Welding Tips and Tricks Forum you most likely already know Steve Scott and what he does, if not you're in for a treat. Steve works on the delivery trucks that brings the gasses to the welding supply stores to keep us all in business. He is very knowledgeable and we had a blast talking with him. We're sure that you will enjoy this podcast just as much! Be sure to subcribe to our show on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, iHeartRadio, and leave us a comment! We always enjoy hearing for you! So hit Download, Put those earbuds in, Hit Play, Drop the Hood, and Enjoy!
Where can you find a Tig Finger?
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Hi and Thank you for listening to episode 14 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast. We have received a few really good emails asking for more basic Tig welding information, so why not just help the Lunch Time Learners out. We really tried to put our learners caps on and break Tig welding down to the basics. We all started knowing nothing and there's many of you out there in that same boat. Hopefully you new guys can pick up a few great tips in this podcast and for the seasoned weldors we hope it will inspire you to help out that new guy at your shop learn the ropes the way someone helped you. So download, hit play, drop your hood, and enjoy!
Where can you find a Tig Finger?
Hi and Thanks for listening to episode 13 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast. For this episode we talk with Mike Zanconato from Zanconato Bikes. In this episode we talk about so many valuable things that will help up your game with welding. We hope that you enjoy this podcast as much as we did recording it. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a comment on your favorite podcast provider. Always great to hear from you! So hit download, pop those earbuds in, drop your hood, and enjoy!
Where can you find a Tig Finger?
Hi and Thanks for listening to episode 12 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast. We wanted to talk about something we feel is very important within our trade that being safety. If you've been in the trade for any amount of time we're sure you've sat through a few boring made up safety videos. Sometime they can be very eye opening but most of the time they're just silly, to be kind. In this episode we talk about our experiences with safety from things that have happen to us personally or has been close by. We can work in a very dangerous environment when we're not paying attention, so we ask if you are listening to this at work please be careful and mindful of your surroundings. So download, pop the earbuds in (maybe just one), drop your hood, and enjoy!
Where can you find a Tig Finger?
Hi and Thank you for listening to the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast. This is episode 11 and we were very happy to have Alex Brown or @Cavemanwelder on with us. We had a great time chatting with Alex and hearing about how he got into welding along with many other things! If you're running a Dynasty you really don't want to miss this episode. So download, pop those earbuds in, hit play, drop your hood, and enjoy!
Where can you find a Tig Finger?