Hi and Thank you for listening to episode 20 of the Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast. This this episode we wanted to talk about Pulse welding with Tig. We discuss what all those settings mean, where it's useful, and our thoughts on pulse welding. So hit download, pop those earbuds in, hit play, drop your hood, and enjoy!
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Jonathan, Roy and Jody
Show Notes and Times
- 0:00-1:55 Introduction
- 1:55-5:57 Good times to use pulse
- 5:57-7:21 Rhythm
- 7:21-9:05 A Crutch?
- 9:05-10:25 Decisions
- 10:25-11:41 Effects of the puddle
- 11:41-14:33 What do the settings mean
- 14:33-15:37 Tig Perfect
- 15:37-17:38 How to think about a wave form
- 17:38-19:18 Tig Perfect wave form
- 19:18-21:14 1 pps training
- 21:14-22:21 Turn table pulsing
- 22:21-25:39 Why pump the pedal?
- 25:39-28:52 Setting the amps to pulse
- 28:52-34:13 Setting to start with pulse
- 34:13-36:28 High speed pulsing
- 36:28-37:40 Bad settings
- 37:40-38:37 Automated pulsing
- 38:37-43:38 Orbital Welding
- 43:38-45:30 Annoying frequency settings
- 45:30-48:12 Making a difference on a test
- 48:12-52:40 Going full circle
- 52:40-58:11 Write it down!
- 58:11-1:00:31 Pin point an arc with Tig Perfect
- 1:00:31-1:01:40 Can be noisy
- 1:01:40-1:03:29 Edge beads
- 1:03:29-1:06:24 Wrapping it up
- 1:06:24-1:07:32 Closing
Where can you find Us?
You can email Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast directly at WeldingTipsandTricksPodcast@gmail.com.
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How to reach us individually
Welding Tips and Tricks on Youtube
@Weldmonger on Instagram
@Superiorwelding on Instagram
Superiorwelding on Youtube
@CrummyWelding on Instagram
Where can you find a Tig Finger?
You can find Tig fingers and other great welding supplies, like stubby gas lens kits, here at this link http://weldmongerstore.com/. All of which are great tools to have in your job toolbox and also your home shop box.
This Podcast has been brought to you by Weldors for Weldors so that you can listen to Weldors talk about Welding while you're Welding!
Podcast music can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3UyYZ85Tiw Doctor Vox -Endgames